Are You Overworked, Underrepresented, and Stressed Out?

Thursday, January 20, 2022

80% of employers are doing more work with fewer people, according to IBM.

IT Workers say they are Overworked, Underrepresented, and Stressed Out

Before the Pandemic, companies feared employees who worked remotely would not remain productive; now that we have been working from home for more than 18 months, the opposite is proving to be true.

3 ways to increase productivity and embrace the rapid shift towards a remote workforce
(from a recent McKinsey study):

  1. Invest in automation
  2. Go paperless (digitalization)
  3. Operational reorganization

COVID-19 transformed the way people work practically overnight, and the tech industry may have been hit the hardest. Information Technology departments were not only required to shift to a remote working environment themselves, but they were also responsible for deploying functional, seamless, company wide, remote working strategies.  In a recent survey by, respondents said their anxiety has increased and two-thirds of responders claimed they were working longer hours.

Extended work hours, challenges with work-life balance, employee burnout, and more problems are growing as remote working continues.

When the commute from the bed to the office is approximately 20 feet, the line between work and play can become increasingly blurry.

A Better Work/Life Balance

It may be easy to work from home; however, it appears that it is quite hard to get away.

According to TechRepublic, “Employees are juggling longer hours and struggling with work-life balance.”

There are some proactive steps that can be taken to cope with the new normal of remote working.

Experts have found Key Techniques to Avoid Overworking Burnout [source:].

  1. Set Strict Boundaries –
    • Have a dedicated space where you work, with a desk, a chair and good lighting
    • Have a schedule – minimize disruptions, including family members, social media, and even the family pet. Tell Rover you need to adhere to your work schedule, at the same time, have time for some play during breaks.
    • Take breaks – when there are no co-workers in the office to offer mental breaks, we must require ourselves to pause.  Be sure to get up from your desk, move, eat lunch (somewhere other than your desk), and occasionally breathe fresh air throughout the workday.
    • Close your Laptop at the end of your workday.  I’ve recently realized the joy found in closing a laptop at the end of a busy day.  The satisfying click is a fantastic moment of closure where business ends and evening relaxation begins.
  2. Focus on Tasks that Truly Matter, right now –
    • Set priorities – What is critical? What can wait? What can you delegate?
    • Start each day with a list of tasks to complete (be sure your goals are realistic).
    • By concentrating on the right things, you will have a greater sense of accomplishment at the end of the day and probably enjoy your evening more.
  3. Saying “No” is good and sometimes necessary –
    • Habitual over-workers are usually people pleasers.
    • Learn to graciously say no and divert tasks that would overwhelm you or are not a priority right now.
    • Saying no prevents burnout and work overload, and will help to maintain your quality of work
  4. Avoid Distractions –
    • Possibly the biggest productivity killer is the constant ping of messages, emails, phone calls, and texts.
    • Technology allows us to constantly be in touch, but that constant communication can prevent focus.
    • Use “do not disturb” features to allow for uninterrupted productivity.  At the end of the day the emails and messages will be there waiting for you, it is up to you whether your to-do list is still there as well.
  5. Remember the benefits of “Working from Home”-
    • The commute is no longer part of your day. You don’t need to get up at 5:45 to catch a specific train or make the drive into the office before 8:30am.
    • There is no rush-hour-infested drive home at the end of the workday.
    • You hold the freedom to squeeze in a load of laundry between Zoom calls.
    • The immeasurable healthy lunch choices.
    • Saving money on gas, car depreciation, eating out, and other expenses.
    • Positive impact on sustainability and the environment.
    • And of course the joy of wearing pajama bottoms and slippers to work!

Working from home can actually improve your work-life balance with healthy boundaries, following schedules, and making the decision to walk away from work at the end of the work day.

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FiberLight’s Public Sector team truly cares about community development – from helping community partners with procurement, to technical support, to discovering the budget that best meets a project, and bringing in partners to make broadband access a reality.

The Never-Ending Job of the IT Manager

The department responsible for the ability to work remotely can sometimes find it hard to get away from work.

When it comes to network uptime, FiberLight has the experience to ensure your connectivity is there when you need it.  With over 20 years of  experience designing, building, and maintaining all-fiber networks, we know what it takes and have the expertise to deliver.

At FiberLight, we work hard so you can play harder.  Our network is built with weekends in mind. Let us manage the infrastructure so you can tackle your never-ending to-do list.